jio phone and ecosystem


We all know Mr Mukesh Ambani India’s richest man and we know that he introduce JIO in 2007 And then JIO soft launched on 27 DEC 20115 and it was publically available on 5th SEPT 2016 and became a largest network on 31st DEC 2019.

So the main strategy of JIO was to serve people not only their services but an addiction too .Which we all had when we use to get JIO SIM without paying a single penny from our pocket. We all get addicted to 4GB limit per day and that was terrible right .I remember that before that 1GB cost like RS 255?month and then JIO came and it’s like bang on prices of data packs and calls too>

Now JIO is going to have an incredible opportunity that is made in India tag. Do you know that recently JIO got investments from companies like Qualcomm, Google, Facebook ETC So the question is what is it? What is JIO planning?

We all heard about JIO apps, So if we take a look at JIO applications we got to know that these were full fleshed copied for instance we can take JIO meets which is full copied from zoom meeting app.     


I mean look at the interface of both these applications fully same not even color is changed .This means JIO is not going for uniqueness it is only going for opportunities because JIO knows that if it goes for uniqueness then it will loose a very big crowed .Next it is a peak time where we eagerly want to boycott external things so this is a perfect time to go with this thing.

Not only JIO meets is copied

JIO tv+ is copied, JIO chats is copied and there are many more. I mean it is not bad if you are coping but you should only take ideas well no issues regarding services so at the end all is fine. I think JIO wants to capture app market of day to day apps because it has all alternatives.  You can see this image for better understanding that how JIO is replacing applications. Such as JIO sawan replaces spotify Etc and there are many more you can go through this image for all info .



So why JIO is doing this?

According to me it’s a chain and JIO wants to make its own eco system as Apple and Samsung.

First we take an example of an android phone

You know that we can do anything on an android phone. We can use anything apps even it is from unknown source. We can connect it to any other android phone and we can also connect it to different PC’s as we prefer. So yeah we can perform as many task as we want. We can change UI(User interface), we can apply different skins such as MIUI, Color OS  ETC Where Google does not demand much It’s an open ecosystem anyone can use that.

 Whereas apple is a close ecosystem we all know a apple device needs only an apple devise to connect for each thing you need to pay because it won’t be connect to other devises easily not even with PC’s. An apple Phone only connects to a MAC or with apple desktop. And this type of close ecosystem leads to seamless experience. It’s like you are working on an Iphone with your air pods connecting to it and then you want to switch your work to Mac then you need to just go to it and your all work with your air pods will be continue to Mac this is a very seamless experience.

                         So I think this is an idea of JIO as it not only want to capture public in some areas rather it wants to capture the whole market.

Recently there are humors that JIO is going to launch a JIO smartphone. And it has already launched a JIO sunglass. Now the electricity we are using is reliance and JIO is sub brand of reliance. Now just read this line carefully and you will understand my point.

You are using a JIO phone with JIO SIM in that phone you are using JIO apps and service While sitting in room using reliance electricity. Now think this twice. And for better understanding see this diagram.



 JIO is taking things on whole new level. And we know the conditions of network providers when JIO got launched all network like Vodaphone, Airtel all got bang out from line. So what if JIO smartphone launches at cheaper rates not only this.  JIO will get support too as it is an INDIAN brand. Hence here’s a win of JIO and what if defeat of other brands like MI Realme ETC

How will JIO make smartphones at lower price?

Above I told you that JIO is invested by Google (no stress of custom skin) have investment from Qualcomm (no stress for processors and chipset) investment with Facebook (you know about it) these are the biggest investments. List of companies that invested on JIO are =

      List                                                                                                INR

Facebook                                                                                      43,573 Cr

Vista equity Partners                                                                                11,367 Cr

KKR                                                                                                                              11,367 Cr

Public investment funds                                                                        11,367 Cr

Silver lakes                                                                                 10,201 Cr

General Atlantic                                                                       6,598 Cr

Abu Dhabi investment Auth                                                         5,683 Cr

TPG Capital                                                                                4,546 Cr

Intel                                                                                                  1,895 Cr

Qualcomm                                                                                          730 Cr


 Total                                                                             v            1,18,318 Cr


This must big investment with these companies it means that there is something very big going on it’s like all the things are MADE IN INDIA and all the profit goes to INDIA. Now just read these lines very carefully and you will get to know an awesome trick to expand your business. You are working on a JIO phone using your JIO SIM coz none of the other work on it, now you want to chat  and you use JIO chats, You  charge your phone using electricity provided by Reliance and you are paying to the same ferm  and  who knows if JIO launches JIO laptop, JIO lights as well. Well you all know what will happen. It is like JIO is designing its own network like apple. An ecosystem MADE IN INDIA and made for INDIA.

And JIO will also launch 5G in India . Well you can suggest your views in that in the comment section.


JIO is making a very big network which at the end provides benefit to us only as all products will be MADE IN INDIA not only this manufactured in INDIA which increases the demands of Indians and we get products at much cheaper rates. And the golden opportunity for JIO is demand of products outside INDIA. Well by hook or by crook there is a definite win for INDIA.


Well you can suggest your views in comment section below and please do comment it is so valuable for us and we appreciate that.    





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